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[Frank Kern] Ultimate Webinar Blueprint | Курсы онлайн школ, онлайн обучение, скачать актуальные курсы по лучшей цене

[Frank Kern] Ultimate Webinar Blueprint


Автор: Frank Kern
Название: Ultimate Webinar Blueprint

Ultimate Webinar Blueprint is a 28 day online
class that teaches how to create high-content
webinars that also sell.
During this class, you'll learn:

  • How to target ideal prospects who are most likely to respond to your webinar offers.
  • How to use the Liquidator method to make offers to your registrants before the webinar starts …without sacrificing goodwill or hurting the sales performance of the actual webinar itself.
  • How to use Pre-Indoctrination to increase goodwill and trust with your registrants before they attend.
  • The six-part webinar formula for creating a webinar that provides excellent content while still making a strong sales offer.
  • The twelve part Ultimate Offer Formula for maximum sales conversion.

    Цена: 2997$
    Материал на Английском языке.
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